Thursday, April 06, 2006

Pondering Consciousness

I have been having much more lucid dreams recently, and they are resembling reality more and more. The frustrating part is when I wake up. I guess death is just waking up from the dream of life.

I expect that to be less frustrating

PC = Proud Contemplator


Anonymous said...

So by that statement you are supposing death to be a better state of existence?

Productive Citizen said...

I, and no one else is aware of what happens when we die, but to answer your question, if there is an after life or some plain of after existence, yes. But that depends on two more conditionals:
if your life was one of morals or not
and if morals matter.

Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

So you believe that if there is an afterlife it is better than your current state of existence? And secondly, morality determines whether your afterlife is pleasant?
How can you be a productive citizen if your existence is left pondering the afterlife when you live in the present? It is depressing to contemplate death even after a close call...

Productive Citizen said...

I didn't say that an afterlife exists, nor that morality determines it. I was speaking in the conditional. As an existentialist it is easy to say that life is meaningless and death is what everyone should wait for. This is not my point.

My point is that we spend our lives looking for truths, or commonly held things taken as absolute. The only definite truth in life by my logic would be death and the afterlife (if there is one). So I do not think that we should waste our lives away not being productive. I just think we should only worry about truth when it comes to the end of our life. Otherwise looking for truth in the present is a waste of time. Time that you could have been reading, writing, making music, or helping others suffer less.

Now that is being productive.

In a sense we are saying the same thing,

you say why worry about death when you are alive right now?

I say death is the ultimate truth, so don't worry about the extraneous truths in life.

Either way, we acknowledge that life is worth living.

Thanks for reading.